The Pavilion End

“A new sports lounge for the city of London”

Situated on one of the oldest streets in England, Watling Street is a Roman road that leads from St Pauls cathedral to Wales. The Pavilion End pub sits proudly here, built in the mid-19th century as a warehouse accommodating and supporting the local industry of cordwainers or cobblers as they are now known.

The impressive architectural features and high ceilings were previously hidden by various bulkheads and suspended ceilings. We removed these to open up the entire ground floor bar to its full former glory. Our client, Fuller Smith and Turner wanted to retain the sports lounge offer and we embraced this, marrying it with a new concept of colonial Victorian London where vintage sports treasures adorn every nook and cranny.

It forms a grown up and elegant space, catering for the city workers in the community. We also created a new basement bar and chic private dining room downstairs, where customers can now hire out various areas of seating and the management can host events and parties.

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